Selected books and chapters
Mary DeShazar, A Poetics of Resistance: Women Writing in El Salvador, South Africa and the United States. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, 1994.
Shane Graham, “Apartheid Prison Narrative, The Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and the construction of national (traumatic) memory,” in Graeme Harper, ed. Colonial and post-Colonial Incarceration, New York: Continuum, 2001.
Shane Graham, “Words that Look like Acts: Ingrid de Kok’s Transfer and Terrestrial and Things,” in South African Literature after the Truth Commission. New York: Palgrave, 2009.
Anthony O’Brien, Against Normalization: Writing Radical Democracy in South Africa, Duke University Press, 2001.
Rajeev Sridhar Patke, Postcolonial Poetry in English. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006.
Jane Wilkinson, Revisioning the Child: Mourning and Survival in poems by Ingrid Jonker, Ingrid de Kok and Karen Press. Working and Writing for tomorrow: Essays in Honour of Itala Vivan, eds. A Oboe, C Gualtieri and R Bromley, Critical, Cultural and Communications Press, Nottingham 2008.
Gina Whisker, “A Gesture of Belonging: Creativity and Place in South African Women’s Writing, in Nahem Yousaf, ed. Apartheid Narratives, Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi, 2001.